
We want your feedback: documentation needs assessment for ARIS

6 September. ICCROM is conducting a needs assessment on documentation in conservation. This is to determine the needs of professionals and gauge their interest in continuing with the ARIS (Architectural Records, Inventories and Information Systems Conservation) courses, held between 2003 and 2009.

Good conservation decisions are made with knowledge of the significance, history, past interventions and current conditions of cultural resources. This is collectively known in the conservation field as documentation and includes research in historical records, inventories, measurement and imaging tools as well as information management.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey. Your responses will greatly assist us in designing future courses and focusing our efforts more effectively. All responses will remain anonymous.


Docomomo Conference

11th. Internacional DOCOMOMO conference:
Living in the Urban Modernity
August 24-29. 2010
Universidad Autónoma de México. UNAM


We need your help.

The Universidad de San Carlos in Guatemala, modern heritage is at risk, please support this pettion about ask for no more buildings around its contextual area.

Please sign in to sopport us.


El patrimonio moderno de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, se encuentra en riesgo.
Solicitamos de tu apoyo para que no se construyan más edificaciones en su área de influencia.


Rescate de un edificio moderno tras el desastre natural:

Docomomo_US (capítulo Louisiana) y el WFM, lograron rescatar y restaurar uno de los edificios emblemáticos de la modernidad, la escuela de primaria Phillis Wheatley (1955), afectada severamente tras el paso del huracán Katrina.

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Ahora nos encuentras en Facebook:


Docomomo_gt y el Centro Cívico

Un diario local publica el interés de docomomo_gt, por salvaguardar la herencia arquitectónica moderna en Guatemala y lanzar la candidatura del complejo Centro Cívico como patrimonio de la humanidad.

Este es uno de los primeros pasos para continuar con nuestra labor de protección a la herencia moderna de nuestro país.

Más información:

UNESCO + Youtube

UNESCO lanza su nuevo canal por medio de Youtube.
Al rededor de 800 vídeos sobre el patrimonio mundial están disponibles en este sitio.
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ICCROM lanza el curso sobre prevención y ayuda para la protección del patrimonio cultural en tiempos de conflicto.
Lugar: Roma
Fecha: 17-29 de octubre 2010
Interesados en participar, dirigirse a:



Iberian Docomomo Seminar- Call for papers-

Iberian Docomomo seminar
14-17 April 2010, Gijón, Asturias, Spain.
Deadline: 22 February 2010

The Asturias Association of Architects, the International

Selection Committee ISC/R of DOCOMOMO International and the Foundation DOCOMOMO Ibérico would like to invite architecture professionals and any other professionalsinterested in the subject to submit an abstract fitting to either thematic section.

The aim of the International Seminar to be held in Spain in 2010 is to re act on the influence of technology on the emergence of modern-movement architecture and on the new view that would lead to change in the interpretations of all artistic experiences.
The scientific committee will select a minimum of 6 abstracts for their further development and presentation at the Congress. Furthermore, the scientific committee may select other abstracts to be published in the Congress Proceedings.

The process will follow the following schedule:

February 22, 2010: Deadline for abstract submission (must not exceed 2100 characters)

February 26, 2010: Selection of abstracts by the scientific committee

March 3, 2010: Notification of acceptance to the relevant authors

April 9, 2010: Deadline for submission of the final text of the papers accepted (must not exceed 8 pages, 16800 characters, and 12 images)

April 14-17, 2010: Congress

The abstracts should be prepared according to the template and will be submitted on line, by email, by registered mail or by courier by 15:00 pm, February 22, 2010 to:

Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico

Plaça Nova 5, 3ª planta, 08002 Barcelona

Tel. 93 3067859, email: fundacion@docomomoiberico.com

More information: